In honor of Father’s Day, two adult children of parents affected by YOD Alzheimer’s share letters to their dads
Dear Dad,
For over 23 years now you have taught me more than anyone could in a lifetime. You’ve been my rock, my father, and my protector. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly, you are always there with open arms. I know this year isn’t anything like how you wanted but one thing will never change, you are and always will be my loving, caring father. From your diagnosis at just 56 years old, I’ve watched you put your all into this family. From making time for weekly lunches with your brother and now sister-in-law, to helping each of your children whenever they need, no questions asked. I can’t imagine how frustrating it can be at times to have Alzheimer’s, but I hope you know, from the outside, your constant fight to never give up on tasks or your independence is the most admirable thing. I will always look up to you dad, not because of any job title you have held or your athletics you had in college but because of your courage and strength when facing this obstacle. I can’t be more grateful for the lessons and skills you have taught me. You have blessed me in more ways I could ever imagine. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you. You have made me a better, more patient and positive person. I still have a lot to work on, but you have changed my perspective on life. So, here’s to a day of celebrating you, although you deserve much more. I am now and forever thankful to call you my dad. I love you so much. Happy Father’s Day!!
Your daughter Devin

Dear Dad,
Thank you for being a model of resilience. Despite everything, you have stayed positive, and been a pillar of strength for our entire family even if you don’t know it. Although this disease has taken so much from you, your sense of humor and legendary work ethic still find a way to shine through. My sisters and I would not be where we are today without what we learned from you and continue to learn to this day. Your entire life has been about making sacrifices so that your family could be in a better place. Whether it was working tirelessly to build your own business or coaching all of our sports teams. Even if we can’t communicate in the way we used to, I cherish any time I get to spend with you, whether on the golf course or just hanging out over some beers.
Love you dad.