Young Adult Caregivers
Young adults in particular face a lack of resources and a support network at a crucial time in their lives when a parent is faced with a young onset dementia diagnosis, which can be during their parent’s 40’s, 50’s, and early 60’s. They take on a role never anticipated as they support their family while navigating unforeseen circumstances. The resulting emotional consequences for adult children may feel endless and often overwhelming.
Although the opportunity to provide care for parents can be rewarding, the demands of dementia are challenging to juggle for the most well-meaning adult children, who typically have their own children, marriages, careers, attending college/ higher education, and other aspects of their lives that requires their daily attention. Worrying can take on a life of its own, which may ultimately deplete their abilities to tend to the needs of their parent as well as their own families, much less themselves.
Optimal coping with dementia will be supported by participating in the YES! Young Adult support group. Talking with other young adult children going through a similar dementia caregiving journey is validating and reassuring that you are Not Alone.